4 questions to help you find direction in your career or life

Just like these trail markers help us find our way when we are lost, the questions young women ask themselves can also shape their direction.

If we ask ourselves disempowering questions such as …

• Why me?

• What’s the use?

• Why can’t I ever succeed?

• Why is life so unfair?

• Why even try since nothing seems to work out?

Then we are going to get disempowering answers which will keep us stuck.

Like trees, we grow towards what is life giving.

However, like trees tend to grow towards the sun, we also grow towards what is life giving; we grow when we ask questions that move us forward, that open our awareness of what might be possible. Questions that lead us to take action in a more positive direction such as…

  1. What’s working well?

  2. What do I want more of?

  3. How can I move from where I am?

  4. What’s one step I can take in the next 24 hours?

It takes time to adjust to solutions-focused questions that shape your thoughts and internal conversations.

If you would like help with this or other career plans, navigating a change in your life, get in touch to learn if positive change coaching is right for you.

Adele Johnston – Positive Change Coach

Adele Johnston is an experienced Positive Psychology Coach based in Brisbane & the Gold Coast, Australia. She helps young people in high school, university or early career to get clearer about where they want to go and action positive change using evidence-based and future-focused tools and strategies.


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